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How to Save gas While Driving

How to save gas while driving

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With the fluctuating gas prices over the past few years, you’ve probably found yourself trying anything to save some cash. But, like many other car owners, you’ve likely learned that there are few coupons or discount codes for gas prices. Luckily for you, there is still a way to spend less on gas.

How? All you need to do is make a few changes to the way you drive.

Want to learn more about how to save gas while driving? You’ve come to the right place! A list of the best ways to preserve your car’s gas is waiting below.

Don’t Speed

Like many drivers, you’ve probably heard that speed has nothing to do with gas mileage, but it actually does. On average, speeding increases your car’s energy consumption by 40%. This is because your car has to create energy and burn more gas to keep itself above the speed limit, especially when you accelerate quickly.

In other words, the faster you go, the quicker your gas burns.

Instead, try driving at a fuel efficient speed. Going no faster than the speed limit (no, it isn’t just a suggestion) or a little below it are great ways to drive more economically. Utilize your cruise control if you need a little help keeping your lead foot in check.

You should also try to manage your road rage; aggressive driving will cost you gas as well. Yes, you’ll get to your destination a little slower than before, but you won’t be draining your tank.

Turn Off Your Car

Everyone is guilty of leaving their car idling. Sitting in your driveway while your car is running, or letting it heat up before you drive to work are examples of this. Yes, it’s nice to enjoy the radio or heat while you sit, but running your car while you aren’t actively driving burns a lot of gas.

Studies have found that idling burns anywhere between 0.16 gallons to a quart of gas per hour.

As inconvenient as it feels, try rolling your windows down and turning off your car when you’re parked. If you do need to keep your car running for some reason, make it a goal to reduce your idling time. You may not see it at first, but over time, you’ll begin to notice a difference in your gas mileage.

Lighten Up Your Load

You might be shocked to hear this, but the heavier your car, the more fuel you burn while driving. Why? Heavy objects can create drag in your car’s engine, requiring it to use more gas to propel it forward.

Next time you clean out your car, remove unnecessary junk (boxes, toys, trash, shoes, etc.). You should also remove any equipment attached to the roof of your car as soon as you finish using it. Hauling equipment overhead will also burn extra gas.

Both of the above actions can lighten your load enough to save you a trip to the gas station.

Find the Shortest Route

One of the easiest ways to avoid facing the price of gas is by shortening your trips. The fewer miles you have to drive, the more gas you save. Shorter trips will also help you get to your location on time, meaning you won’t have to waste gas by speeding.

Before you drive to work, an appointment, or a new place, look up the location and find which route is shorter. Some mapping apps even have a fuel-saving option that ensures you always take the shortest route possible. To check for this feature, go to your app’s settings and look for the option to turn it on.

Try Carpooling

Nothing saves gas like not driving at all. No, this doesn’t mean you have to walk everywhere you go (walking will save you gas though). But you should organize a way to get wherever you need to go that doesn’t require everyday driving on your part.

One way to do this is by carpooling or ride-sharing with a coworker, neighbor, friend, or spouse. If you have kids, you can also carpool with other parents or grandparents. Alternating who drives to school/work each day or week will cut back on your drive time, allowing your tank to stay fuller than before.

Plus, ride-sharing is a great way to make new friends and meet new people.

Keep the Windows Up

Rolling down your windows and blasting your favorite music is a movie moment everyone has dreamt of. But like many cinematic events, this one isn’t very economically friendly. Similar to the effect of riding inside a heavy car, keeping your windows down while driving creates a drag.

Instead, save your open windows for drive-thrus and parking lots. Your wallet will thank you later.

Keep Up With Your Tires

What do your tires have to do with saving gas? A lot.

Tires that have little air in them have a surprising effect on your car’s gas mileage. This is because low air creates friction and uneven wear in your tires.

Poor tire quality can also cause costly blowouts, flats, and wrecks.

To prevent your tires from impacting the amount of gas you burn, keep up with your car’s tire maintenance. This includes making sure they are rotated and inflated regularly to ensure even wear. You should also make it a habit to check your car’s tire pressure, and air up your tires immediately after your tire light comes on.

If need help keeping up with your tires, consider our tire subscription at Treads. Our tire subscription is designed to help you keep your tires in the best shape possible, saving you both tire and gas money.

Visit our website to learn more about our services, view our subscription plans, or subscribe as soon as today!

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